GNCR Newsletter – August 2024
Project updates
- BadgerNet - Gateshead FT became the first trust to start to share maternity information 23rd July 24.
- Gateshead FT are currently testing their interface to share discharge summaries, go live TBC.
- North Tees FT testing to start to share clinical letters is complete however the Trust are currently reviewing internal processes, go live TBC.
- South Tees FT live, 30 July 24, with patient demographics County Durham & Darlington FT – work to re-enable the recent phase 2 data set has been postponed until October 2024.
- Gateshead Council – live sharing Adult Social Care data 23 July 24.
- Cumberland Council – In-context viewer testing complete, go live TBC
- Westmorland & Furness Council - In-context viewer testing complete, go live TBC
- Views in July- 828,927
- HIE release upgrade from version 2023.1.30 to 2023.1.31 live 23 July 2024.
- HIE release upgrade from version 2023.1.31 to 2023.1.32 planned to go live 30 July 2024.
- There are now FAQs available on the training page on the GNCR website
Tip of the month
On the demographics bar, the megaphone symbol represents the Newsfeed feature.
This is where new communication will appear.
If there is a notification next to the symbol, please click on the symbol and the newsfeed will appear
The Great North Care Record now have a page on Team Net, search for Great North Care Record to find the page.
There is a Great North Care Record training session August 19th 12pm - 1pm being hosted by Boost for all NENC health and care staff. This can be booked through the Boost website.
To book bespoke training for a department / team please contact:
A PDF version of this newsletter can be found here:August Newsletter 2024