Guiding Principles2023-11-07T11:30:05+00:00
We have created a set of guiding principles which underpin everything we do at the Great North Care Record.
Guiding Principles
We have created a set of guiding principles which underpin everything we do at the Great North Care Record.
Guiding Principles
We have created a set of guiding principles which underpin everything we do at the Great North Care Record.
Guiding Principles
Care professional access2023-10-03T18:31:03+00:00

The Great North Care Record will:

  • Be easy to use, quick to access and responsive to information requests
  • Be integrated into existing care systems where possible
  • Present relevant information to the user in an understandable, concise and relevant format
  • Use a template/form based design
  • Support role-based access and ensure legitimate patient relationships
  • Be context aware in its operation, presenting data in an intelligent and context sensitive manner
  • Support mobile formats
  • Allow for detailed but authorised searches and data extracts/queries to ensure information governance (IG) compliance (e.g. a cohort of similar patients to review treatment and outcomes).


Patient identification2023-10-03T18:33:40+00:00

The Great North Care Record will:

  • Be reliable, secure and safe to use across all care settings
  • NHS number-based where this is known and used (or sought, confirmed and added where not known or used)
  • Enable connection to the planned national patient/individual identity service.
Data sources and types2023-11-03T12:50:28+00:00

The Great North Care Record will:

  • Contain high quality, validated clinical information from the health, social care, and third party sectors that can be shared with confidence
  • Support identified and agreed clinical need for information (not just provide access to what is easy to share)
  • Allow full use of coded as well as free text information, graphics and diagrams
  • Support access to scanned documents, images and other unstructured documents, including shared documents from multiple sources into an integrated view
  • Contain citizen generated health and care data from a variety of sources
  • Support tagging and other metadata for documents and images
  • Contain provenance of data sources (authorship, dates etc.)
  • Include information that is structured, accurate and up to date
  • Link primary, secondary, mental health and social care data for longitudinal patient/citizen pathway studies (for example).
Privacy protection2023-11-03T12:51:16+00:00

The Great North Care Record will:

  • Be compliant with all relevant information governance legislation (e.g. GDPR, Section 251) and be flexible to changes in legislation
  • Provide a clear, dynamic and usable mechanism for managing citizen permission for both, direct care and research purposes
  • Enable a clear, dynamic, and usable mechanism for managing information sharing agreements
  • Provide a secure and robust mechanism for managing access to information
  • Contain an audit trail to check who has accessed the system, and for what purpose. This would include pro-active alerting of access to the citizen where they have concerns
  • Support ‘for your eyes only’ functionality based on data sharing agreements and permission guidelines
  • Enable privacy officers and patients/citizens to be notified of any breaches in privacy
  • Enable better engagement between professionals and citizens
  • Be easy to use and understand for professionals using the systems.
Active workflow2023-10-03T18:36:41+00:00

The Great North Care Record will:

  • Support messaging, alerts and flags to support patient workflow across different providers of care while also preventing alert fatigue
  • ‘Push’ and ‘Pull’ data (documents and elements of documents like blood pressure) where appropriate without causing information overload
  • Enable workflow and other applications to be easily developed by the care organisations and not require significant third party support
  • Allow for choice of design models for passive reading vs push alerts
  • Present information within the local system and eventually integrate guidelines, e.g. NICE, into the clinical workflow.
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