YouGov poll
This YouGov poll asked 800 people living in the North East and North Cumbria five questions about how they feel about sharing their healthcare records with different organisations, including the NHS, adult social care, and researchers.
Researching the public’s views on sharing their healthcare data
This document is a report following 25 focus groups with members of the public from around the North East and North Cumbria. They explored people’s attitudes and feelings towards sharing their healthcare records to support their care, and how they would feel about sharing their data with other agencies such as researchers.
Amy’s page
This summary pulls together the findings from the Amy’s Page workshops which surfaced insights from professionals around information sharing.
Patient data saves lives: The bigger picture
An organisation called Understanding Patient Data has produced a great animation which explains how healthcare information can be used to bring benefits to all.
Great North Care Record YouTube channel
Find the latest videos we have produced which explain more about the Great North Care Record.
Some of the technical language around healthcare information can be quite hard to understand. Connected Health Cities has produced a glossary which explains some of the commonly used terms.
The Great North Care Record is governed by representatives from NHS Trusts, ICBs, primary care, Local Authorities, North of England Commissioning Support Unit (NECS), Academic Health Science Network-NENC and NHS England/Improvement.
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North East and North Cumbria digital programme governance