GNCR usage reaches record high

Person's hands clapping

2024 has seen a record rise in the usage of the Great North Care Record (GNCR), across health and social care organisations in the North East and North Cumbria.

For the first time, monthly views have passed the 600,000 mark – a jump of over 100,000 views since December 2023.

The number of unique users also saw an increase at the start of 2024, with a combined rise of around 6,800 users in January and February 2024 – the biggest monthly increases since the GNCR was launched in 2020.

Lisa Sewell, Programme Director, stated “It’s fantastic to see this usage increase to start the year off and see more staff across the region incorporate the GNCR into their practise.

“These rises are likely due to the recent improvements made to the system, the outreach work the GNCR team have carried out and an increase in training sessions attended.”

In January, users were introduced to GP Connect within the Great North Care Record – requiring additional guidance and training for health and care professionals.

GP Connect now provides a consistent view of primary care data in the GNCR, irrespective of which clinical system is used by the GP Practice.

Recent feedback from a user at South Tyneside & Sunderland NHS FT explained how they use the shared care record platform to improve their consultations:

“I refer to GNCR for virtually all clinic consultations to ensure that clinical summary and medications are up-to-date.

“Being able to access clinic correspondence from other NHS Trusts and also paramedic reports is extremely helpful.”

South Tyneside Council also provided positive feedback:

“We find it extremely useful in a number of ways. It reduces the need for us to make sometimes unwanted contact with the person, as we can see the appropriate services are involved.

“It really has streamlined things for us and is an invaluable source of supporting information.”

To find out how you can help increase use of the GNCR within your organisation, contact to book onto training courses or arrange bespoke training sessions. You can also visit the training section of the GNCR website.